
January Goals

With school returning today, it became clear that I must also return to reality. No more will there be sleeping in and staying up late. Back to regularly scheduled programming, for a couple of weeks until I fly off to Maui anyways. January brings a not only a new month but also, a new year. With a new year comes new goals. Not a new me, but a time to refocus on, and reaffirm what your goals are for the upcoming year. However, I believe that new years resolutions are bound to fail so I will only make one this year. To make monthly goals.

The first Monday of the month, pending holidays and other lifelong distractions, will be the day in which I make my monthly personal goals. As this is the first Monday, that is not right in the middle of a school break and is not also a holiday here we are.

If you’re looking for fitness goals, they will be found there.

For January I thought it best to start off small. It’s quite a busy month for our upcoming holidays, school, and hockey and just life in general. I don’t want to set myself up to fail.

Read a book

This might sound relatively simple because I’ve already finished one book and I’m on to a second, but those are easy to read novels. But, when I say read I book I’m talking about a classic or educational novel. Last year I read 25 books, only one of those was something that actually made me think. I love to lose myself in a novel, usually with a glass of wine in a bath, but I also love to read books that I can talk about and learn from. Last year I read a book by Graham Hancock and loved it.

I’m not sure which yet so if you have any suggestions I am happy to hear them. I’d also love to hear your New Years goals.

January goals

Posted by madmommy_61fhf3 in Lifestyle, 7 comments